Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has its origins in the United States. The model is simple: members of a community subscribe on an annual basis to receive a farmer’s produce. This allows farmers to plan ahead based on what they can grow that their community will want. And with subscription payment in advance, the farmer is better able to manage the annual growing and harvest cycle.

We have adapted the CSA model to support the coffee farmers we source from in Costa Rica, and also to amplify the impact of purchases through investment in bird habitat regeneration. A one-time purchase of three pounds or more, including postage, will be less expensive than the same quality coffee bought anywhere in the USA, online or otherwise. The CSA model offers even greater value.

A subscription is a commitment to buy more than one delivery of at least three pounds, and we in turn cover the cost of delivery. The timing of the delivery is your choice. It could be monthly, or whatever works best for you. If you are interested in joining this CSA please send a note on our Contact page.