Organikos invests all of its profits into bird habitat regeneration.
100% Forward is a simple statement of that commitment.

In August, 2019 Organikos started selling its coffee in the Authentica shops in Costa Rica. Those sales provided for the first regeneration project. This former coffee farm is being replanted with coffee, and with trees to provide shade, fix nitrogen, and serve as bird habitat.
We started by moving ornamental foliage that dominated this landscape for the last two decades. Now it is peripheral instead of central, making room for the replanting of 1,500 coffee plants. 150 newly planted trees--a mix of poro, citrus fruits, banana and plantain--will provide bird habitat while shading the coffee, fixing nitrogen, and providing fruit. You can follow progress on these initiatives here.

The varietal of arabica is one specifically chosen for the altitude, the day and night temperature variations, the terrain, and the rain levels. This micro batch uses no chemical pesticides or fertilizers. When the rules permit we will apply for organic certification.
When this batch is ready members of our CSA will be first in line to receive it. Meanwhile we sell Hacienda la Amistad certified organic coffee. Our commitment to sell the highest quality coffee, as judged by professional Q-graders, has limited our choice of certified organic to the one best option in Costa Rica.

We also sell other single origin coffees grown according to Costa Rica's pioneering sustainability standards. Sales from all of these provide resources for our bird habitat regeneration projects.